The Trust has been smoothly functioning its activities relating to child welfare and its related matters from the date of incorporation. We have been actively engaged in collaboration with an Educational Institution abroad and have been able to interact with our UK partner namely Hounslow Heath Junior School, UK. Since we are in touch with them and exchanged our views inasmuch as completed the project works being provided to us by our UK partner. To sum up, it is for the better understanding that we would like to mention the following few lines: -
The Trust has also applied for setting up M.E. School to the Directorate of Elementary Education, Orissa at Chandaka, Bhubaneswar for which the ground works i.e.; Demarcation, Acquisition, Bhumi Puja and conversion etc. of the said land has been finalized. Though we are running informally but now we would like to formalize everything after getting accreditation from Government of Orissa. The School will accommodate only poor children's and they will be given informal education, which is utmost necessary for eradication of illiteracy from the society. It is not out of place to mention here that, there will be no dearth of fund to run the School cum Shelter House since our UK Partner has assured us to vigorously work with us .We are optimistic in this regard. This year we observed WORLD DAY-Prevention of Child Abuse on 19th Nov 2006 by distributing pamphlets and inviting children's on the same day. Our main aim is to keep children safe. We held a meet on abolition of child labour and implementation of Right to education as envisaged in Article 21 and 21A of the Constitution of India. The constitutional Amendment has provided for free and compulsory education for all children in the age group of 6 to14years as a Fundamental Right under Article 21A of the Constitution. For this activity we are being accepted as Supporting member of WWSF (Women's World Summit Foundation), Geneva , which has been reflected in the Poster of WWSF, and also been distributed freely to kids and children. |
We also made number of Health and Environment Awareness Camp at Bhubaneswar such as World AIDs Day on 1st Dec2006, Right to Clean Air, Creating awareness of Government Law to General Public, Purchase and supply of educational material Books, Note Books etc., Non formal Projects/Coaching Classes, Conducted research, Running Legal Aid Centres. MEMBERS OBSERVED THE FOLLOWING DAYS: |
LEGAL AID CAMP: Free Legal services are being provided to poor and underprivileged peoples, so that they are not being dragged to Court of Law for unnecessary litigation and subjected to long legal battle for trivial matters which takes a lengthy process and time before it being finalized. They were given awareness of Consumer Laws and their rights. They are provided with legal services, which are beneficial for taking day-to-day activities.
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